My boy has arrived

Well I really can’t explain to you how happy and proud I feel right now there really is no greater feeling!!. Colby Jack smith was born at 12pm 10th October, weighing in at 7 lb 1oz (of pure joy I might add) so far very well behaved but it’s early days yet.

I will talk about the scary part first, labour is the moment you realise your partner is actually Wonder Woman!. I really do have a whole new level of respect for women. Now we had a very long latent phase of labour taking almost 36 hrs before being fully dialated, this is the part of labour that’s mentally challenging for the ladies as their body prepares for birth and can either be really quick or really long and draining taking its toll on what is already a tiring experience. However once Bethany became fully dialated it was a relatively fast birth with only 3 minutes between head being born and baby fully birthed. Now I decided (bravely I might add) to watch from the bottom end which by the way was a mixture of horrendous and fascinating if the two could ever be used at once. Now what you see in the movies is nothing like the real thing, mummy has a very tough and painful job to do. But I promise you it’s all totally worth it when you see your baby for the first time!!. It is a messy experience and I don’t recommend watching from the busy end if you don’t like blood as with every birth it will contain what I can only describe as a scene from kill bill!, try not to panic though it is natural and is supposed to happen. Now we were lucky and had a pretty straight forward birth apart from an epidural for the pain which if you have means your no longer eligible for a water birth as it effects your legs and back. Bethany is an absolute super hero and I love her with all my heart, she and all other mums on this planet really are brave and deserve medals!!!.

Baby Colby is doing really well, as is mummy too. Feeding regularly and sleeping most of the time (I’m aware this will change however), generally being a good boy. He’s the most beautiful boy in the world as I’m sure most fathers would see in there children. Now I recommend you sleep lots the week before due day as its a tiring experience and you as daddies need to offer lots of support and love to mummy throughout the whole labour.

I will leave it there for this blog as duty calls!!! 😊 until next time folks.

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